Sun tracker
2014-2015 (B.Tech final year project)
Development of a portable parabolic solar concentrator and sun tracking system. The system features a novel heliostat design, allowing simple collector scalability to virtually any size. The prototype was design to able to concentrate large light energy on the high efficiency solar photovoltaic cells to produce direct electricity. A thin and lightweight aluminum sheet is given a parabolic shape using wooden frames. The prototype also contain a new and passive sun tracking system. Although system duly uses an electric motor to rotate the system in the direction of sun but still it does not uses and external source of power. Instead our system uses solar cell as doth sensor and source of power for electric motor. A 5 sq. in aluminum sheet concentrator was prototyped and tested to compare the design’s performance with traditional parabolic concentrator.
Schematic of the voltage differential concept used for the sun-tracking mechanism.
Picture of the final model